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Publications 2014

  1. Isacco L, Thivel D, Duclos M, Aucouturier J, Boisseau N: Effects of adipose tissue distribution on maximum lipid oxidation rate during exercise in normal-weight women. Diabetes Metab 2014;40:215-219.
  2. Thivel D, Chaput JP: Are post-exercise appetite sensations and energy intake coupled in children and adolescents? Sports Med 2014;44:735-741.
  3. Brink-Elfegoun T, Ratel S, Leprêtre PM, Metz L, Ennequin G, Doré E, Martin V, Bishop D, Aubineau N, Lescuyer JF, Duclos M, Sirvent P, Peltier SL: Effects of sports drinks on the maintenance of physical performance during 3 tennis matches: a randomized controlled study. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2014;11:46.
  4. Chavanelle V, Sirvent P, Ennequin G, Caillaud K, Montaurier C, Morio B, Boisseau N, Richard R: Comparison of oxygen consumption in rats during uphill (concentric) and downhill (eccentric) treadmill exercise tests. J Sports Sci Med 2014;13:689-694.
  5. Crendal E, Walther G, Dutheil F, Courteix D, Lesourd B, Chapier R, Naughton G, Vinet A, Obert P: Left ventricular myocardial dyssynchrony is already present in nondiabetic patients with metabolic syndrome. Can J Cardiol 2014;30:320-324.
  6. Dutheil F, Walther G, Chapier R, Mnatzaganian G, Lesourd B, Naughton G, Verney J, Fogli A, Sapin V, Duclos M, Vinet A, Obert P, Courteix D, Lac G: Atherogenic subfractions of lipoproteins in the treatment of metabolic syndrome by physical activity and diet - the RESOLVE trial. Lipids Health Dis 2014;13:112.
  7. Fabre JB, Martin V, Borelli G, Theurel J, Grélot L: Effects of string stiffness on muscle fatigue after a simulated tennis match. J Appl Biomech 2014;30:401-406.
  8. Ferry B, Gavris M, Tifrea C, Serbanoiu S, Pop AC, Bembea M, Courteix D: The bone tissue of children and adolescents with Down syndrome is sensitive to mechanical stress in certain skeletal locations: a 1-year physical training program study. Res Dev Disabil 2014;35:2077-2084.
  9. Gryson C, Ratel S, Rance M, Penando S, Bonhomme C, Le Ruyet P, Duclos M, Boirie Y, Walrand S: Four-month course of soluble milk proteins interacts with exercise to improve muscle strength and delay fatigue in elderly participants. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2014;15:958.e951-959.
  10. Hatzikotoulas K, Patikas D, Ratel S, Bassa E, Kotzamanidis C: Central and peripheral fatigability in boys and men during maximal contraction. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2014;46:1326-1333.
  11. Isacco L, Thivel D, Meddahi-Pelle A, Lemoine-Morel S, Duclos M, Boisseau N: Exercise per se masks oral contraceptive-induced postprandial lipid mobilization. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2014;39:1222-1229.
  12. Lechauve JB, Perrault H, Aguilaniu B, Isner-Horobeti ME, Martin V, Coudeyre E, Richard R: Breathing patterns during eccentric exercise. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2014;202:53-58.
  13. Martin V, Ratel S: Determining the muscle voluntary activation characteristics in children: a methodological challenge. Commentary on "Child-adult differences in muscle activation--a review". Pediatr Exerc Sci 2014;26:365-368.
  14. Ratel S, Tonson A, Cozzone PJ, Bendahan D: The rate of PCr resynthesis is not a reliable index of skeletal muscle oxidative capacity. Eur J Appl Physiol 2014;114:217-218.
  15. Serrano-Ferrer J, Walther G, Crendal E, Vinet A, Dutheil F, Naughton G, Lesourd B, Chapier R, Courteix D, Obert P: Right ventricle free wall mechanics in metabolic syndrome without type-2 diabetes: effects of a 3-month lifestyle intervention program. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2014;13:116.
  16. Sirvent P, Douillard A, Galbes O, Ramonatxo C, Py G, Candau R, Lacampagne A: Effects of chronic administration of clenbuterol on contractile properties and calcium homeostasis in rat extensor digitorum longus muscle. PLoS One 2014;9:e100281.
  17. Temesi J, Rupp T, Martin V, Arnal PJ, Féasson L, Verges S, Millet GY: Central fatigue assessed by transcranial magnetic stimulation in ultratrail running. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2014;46:1166-1175.
  18. Thivel D, Chaput JP, Adamo KB, Goldfield GS: Is energy intake altered by a 10-week aerobic exercise intervention in obese adolescents? Physiol Behav 2014;135:130-134.
  19. Thivel D, Duché P: Physical activity for weight loss in children: is there any compensatory mechanism? Pediatr Exerc Sci 2014;26:121-123.
  20. Zghal F, Martin V, Thorkani A, Arnal PJ, Tabka Z, Cottin F: Effects of endurance training on the maximal voluntary activation level of the knee extensor muscles. Eur J Appl Physiol 2014;114:683-693.
  21. Thivel D & Chaput JP: Are post-exercise appetite sensations and energy intake coupled in children and adolescents? Sports Med, 2014;44, 735-41.
  22. Fabre JB, Martin V, Borelli G, Fritsch N & Theurel J: Effects of a whole-body strength training program on metabolic responses and body composition. Gazz Med Ital    –  Arch Sci Med, 2014;173, 47-56.
  23. Ratel S: Les enfants sont-ils métaboliquement nés endurants ? Sci Sports, 2016;31, 315-322.
  24. Ratel S & Martin V: Is there a progressive withdrawal of physiological protections against  high-intensity exercise-induced fatigue during puberty ? Sports, 2014;3, 346-357.
  25. Crendal E, Walther G, Dutheil F, Courteix D, Lesourd B, Chapier R, Naughton G, Vinet A & Obert P: Left ventricular myocardial dyssynchrony is already present in nondiabetic patients with metabolic syndrome. Can J Cardiol, 2014;30, 320-4.
  26. Dutheil F, Walther G, Chapier R, Mnatzaganian G, Lesourd B, Naughton G, Verney J, Fogli A, Sapin V, Duclos M, Vinet A, Obert P, Courteix D & Lac G: Atherogenic subfractions of lipoproteins in the treatment of metabolic syndrome by physical activity and diet - the RESOLVE trial. Lipids Health Dis, 2014;13, 112.
  27. Ferry B, Gavris M, Tifrea C, Serbanoiu S, Pop AC, Bembea M & Courteix D: The bone tissue of children and adolescents with Down syndrome is sensitive to mechanical stress in certain skeletal locations: a 1-year physical training program study. Res Dev Disabil, 2014;35, 2077-84.
  28. Isacco L, Thivel D, Duclos M, Aucouturier J & Boisseau N: Effects of adipose tissue distribution on maximum lipid oxidation rate during exercise in normal-weight women. Diabetes Metab, 2014;40, 215-9.
  29. Isacco L, Thivel D, Meddahi-Pelle A, Lemoine-Morel S, Duclos M & Boisseau N: Exercise per se masks oral contraceptive-induced postprandial lipid mobilization. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 2014;39, 1222-9.
  30. Serrano-Ferrer J, Walther G, Crendal E, Vinet A, Dutheil F, Naughton G, Lesourd B, Chapier R, Courteix D & Obert P: Right ventricle free wall mechanics in metabolic syndrome without type-2 diabetes: effects of a 3-month lifestyle intervention program. Cardiovasc Diabetol, 2014;13, 116.
  31. Thivel D, Chaput JP, Adamo KB & Goldfield GS: Is energy intake altered by a 10-week aerobic exercise intervention in obese adolescents? Physiol Behav, 2014;135, 130-4.