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Publications 2016
- Chaput JP, Genin PM, Le Moel B, Pereira B, Boirie Y, Duclos M, Thivel D: Lean adolescents achieve higher intensities but not higher energy expenditure while playing active video games compared with obese ones. Pediatr Obes 2016;11:102-106.
- Chaput JP, Tremblay A, Pereira B, Boirie Y, Duclos M, Thivel D: Food intake response to exercise and active video gaming in adolescents: effect of weight status. Br J Nutr 2016;115:547-553.
- Fearnbach SN, Silvert L, Keller KL, Genin PM, Morio B, Pereira B, Duclos M, Boirie Y, Thivel D: Reduced neural response to food cues following exercise is accompanied by decreased energy intake in obese adolescents. Int J Obes (Lond) 2016;40:77-83.
- Garcia-Vicencio S, Coudeyre E, Kluka V, Cardenoux C, Jegu AG, Fourot AV, Ratel S, Martin V: The bigger, the stronger? Insights from muscle architecture and nervous characteristics in obese adolescent girls. Int J Obes (Lond) 2016;40:245-251.
- Maillard F, Rousset S, Pereira B, Traore A, de Pradel Del Amaze P, Boirie Y, Duclos M, Boisseau N: High-intensity interval training reduces abdominal fat mass in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab 2016;42:433-441.
- Thivel D, Rumbold PL, King NA, Pereira B, Blundell JE, Mathieu ME: Acute post-exercise energy and macronutrient intake in lean and obese youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Obes (Lond) 2016;40:1469-1479.
- Caillaud K, Boisseau N, Ennequin G, Chavanelle V, Etienne M, Li X, Denis P, Dardevet D, Lacampagne A, Sirvent P: Neuregulin 1 improves glucose tolerance in adult and old rats. Diabetes Metab 2016;42:96-104.
- Chaplais E, Dutheil F, Naughton G, Greene D, Pereira B, Thivel D, Courteix D: Cross-sectional and longitudinal study protocols of the 'ADIposity and BOne metabolism: effects of eXercise-induced weight loss in obese adolescents' (ADIBOX) project. BMJ Open 2016;6:e011407.
- Duché P, Rochette E, Merlin E: Reply to the Letter to the Editor: "The need for differentiating between exercise, physical activity, and training." Budde et al. Autoimmun Rev (2015). Autoimmun Rev 2016;15:289-290.
- Fearnbach SN, Masterson TD, Schlechter HA, Ross AJ, Rykaczewski MJ, Loken E, Downs DS, Thivel D, Keller KL: Impact of imposed exercise on energy intake in children at risk for overweight. Nutr J 2016;15:92.
- Giandolini M, Gimenez P, Temesi J, Arnal PJ, Martin V, Rupp T, Morin JB, Samozino P, Millet GY: Effect of the Fatigue Induced by a 110-km Ultramarathon on Tibial Impact Acceleration and Lower Leg Kinematics. PLoS One 2016;11:e0151687.
- Isacco L, Thivel D, Aucouturier J, Duclos M, Boisseau N: Discussion on “Body fat has no effect on the maximal fat oxidation rate in young normal and overweight women”. Journal of Strength & Conditionning Research 2016;volume 30, issue 7:pe5-e6.
- Julian V, Thivel D, Pereira B, Costes F, Richard R, Duclos M: Improving Peripheral and Central Vascular Adjustments during Exercise through a Training Program in Adolescents with Obesity. Obes Facts 2016;9:321-331.
- Isnard Rouchon M, Coutard C, Matysiak M, Ravel P, Forte C, Boisseau N: High intensity interval training improves physical functioning, inflammation, and quality of life in peritoneal dialysis patients., Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2016, 31 (supplementation), pp i57-i59.
- Kluka V, Martin V, Vicencio SG, Giustiniani M, Morel C, Morio C, Coudeyre E, Ratel S: Effect of muscle length on voluntary activation of the plantar flexors in boys and men. Eur J Appl Physiol 2016;116:1043-1051.
- Lavet C, Martin A, Linossier MT, Vanden Bossche A, Laroche N, Thomas M, Gerbaix M, Ammann P, Fraissenon A, Lafage-Proust MH, Courteix D, Vico L: Fat and Sucrose Intake Induces Obesity-Related Bone Metabolism Disturbances: Kinetic and Reversibility Studies in Growing and Adult Rats. J Bone Miner Res 2016;31:98-115.
- Lopera CA, da Silva DF, Bianchini JA, Locateli JC, Moreira AC, Dada RP, Thivel D, Nardo N: Effect of water- versus land-based exercise training as a component of a multidisciplinary intervention program for overweight and obese adolescents. Physiol Behav 2016;165:365-373.
- Maciejewski H, Rahmani A, Chorin F, Lardy J, Giroux C, Ratel S: The 1,500-m Rowing Performance is Highly Dependent on Modified Wingate Anaerobic Test Performance in National-Level Adolescent Rowers. Pediatr Exerc Sci 2016;28:572-579.
- Metz L, Gerbaix M, Masgrau A, Guillet C, Walrand S, Boisseau N, Boirie Y, Courteix D: Nutritional and exercise interventions variably affect estrogen receptor expression in the adipose tissue of male rats. Nutr Res 2016;36:280-289.
- Ratel S: Neuromuscular Physiology and Youth. Pediatr Exerc Sci 2016;28:40-43.
- Serrano-Ferrer J, Crendal E, Walther G, Vinet A, Dutheil F, Naughton G, Lesourd B, Chapier R, Courteix D, Obert P: Effects of lifestyle intervention on left ventricular regional myocardial function in metabolic syndrome patients from the RESOLVE randomized trial. Metabolism 2016;65:1350-1360.
- Tavares Ó, Valente-Dos-Santos J, Duarte JP, Póvoas SC, Gobbo LA, Fernandes RA, Marinho DA, Casanova JM, Sherar LB, Courteix D, Coelho-E-Silva MJ: Concurrent agreement between an anthropometric model to predict thigh volume and dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry assessment in female volleyball players aged 14-18 years. BMC Pediatr 2016;16:190.
- Thivel D, Genin PM, Mathieu ME, Pereira B, Metz L: Reproducibility of an in-laboratory test meal to assess ad libitum energy intake in adolescents with obesity. Appetite 2016;105:129-133.
- Thivel D, Isacco L, O'Malley G, Duché P: Pediatric Obesity and Perceived Exertion: Difference Between Weight-Bearing and Non-Weight-Bearing Exercises Performed at Different Intensities. J Sports Sci 2016;34:389-394.
- Thivel D, OʼMalley G: Pediatric Obesity: Is There Room for Active Video Games in Prevention or Management? Pediatr Phys Ther 2016;28:368-370.
- Thivel D, Ring-Dimitriou S, Weghuber D, Frelut ML, O'Malley G: Muscle Strength and Fitness in Pediatric Obesity: a Systematic Review from the European Childhood Obesity Group. Obes Facts 2016;9:52-63.
- Verney J, Metz L, Chaplais E, Cardenoux C, Pereira B, Thivel D: Bioelectrical impedance is an accurate method to assess body composition in obese but not severely obese adolescents. Nutr Res 2016;36:663-670.
- Thivel D, Ring-Dimitriou S, Weghuber D, Frelut ML & O'Malley G: Muscle Strength and Fitness in Pediatric Obesity: a Systematic Review from the European Childhood Obesity Group. Obes Facts, 2016;9, 52-63.
- Thivel D, Rumbold PL, King NA, Pereira B, Blundell JE & Mathieu ME: Acute post-exercise energy and macronutrient intake in lean and obese youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Obes (Lond), 2016;40, 1469-1479.
- Chaplais E, Dutheil F, Naughton G, Greene D, Pereira B, Thivel D & Courteix D: Cross-sectional and longitudinal study protocols of the 'ADIposity and BOne metabolism: effects of eXercise-induced weight loss in obese adolescents' (ADIBOX) project. BMJ Open, 2016;6, e011407.
- Chaput JP, Genin PM, Le Moel B, Pereira B, Boirie Y, Duclos M & Thivel D: Lean adolescents achieve higher intensities but not higher energy expenditure while playing active video games compared with obese ones. Pediatr Obes, 2016;11, 102-6.
- Chaput JP, Tremblay A, Pereira B, Boirie Y, Duclos M & Thivel D: Food intake response to exercise and active video gaming in adolescents: effect of weight status. Br J Nutr, 2016;115, 547-53.
- Fearnbach SN, Masterson TD, Schlechter HA, Ross AJ, Rykaczewski MJ, Loken E, Downs DS, Thivel D & Keller KL: Impact of imposed exercise on energy intake in children at risk for overweight. Nutr J, 2016;15, 92.
- Fearnbach SN, Silvert L, Keller KL, Genin PM, Morio B, Pereira B, Duclos M, Boirie Y & Thivel D: Reduced neural response to food cues following exercise is accompanied by decreased energy intake in obese adolescents. Int J Obes (Lond), 2016;40, 77-83.
- Garcia-Vicencio S, Coudeyre E, Kluka V, Cardenoux C, Jegu AG, Fourot AV, Ratel S & Martin V: The bigger, the stronger? Insights from muscle architecture and nervous characteristics in obese adolescent girls. Int J Obes (Lond), 2016;40, 245-51.
- Isnard Rouchon M, Coutard C, Matysiak M, Ravel P, Forte C & Boisseau N.. High intensity interval training improves physical functioning, inflammation, and quality of life in peritoneal dialysis patients. 2016, i57-i59. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation.
- Julian V, Thivel D, Pereira B, Costes F, Richard R & Duclos M: Improving Peripheral and Central Vascular Adjustments during Exercise through a Training Program in Adolescents with Obesity. Obes Facts, 2016;9, 321-331.
- Lopera CA, da Silva DF, Bianchini JA, Locateli JC, Moreira AC, Dada RP, Thivel D & Nardo N: Effect of water- versus land-based exercise training as a component of a multidisciplinary intervention program for overweight and obese adolescents. Physiol Behav, 2016;165, 365-73.
- Maillard F, Rousset S, Pereira B, Traore A, de Pradel Del Amaze P, Boirie Y, Duclos M & Boisseau N: High-intensity interval training reduces abdominal fat mass in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab, 2016;42, 433-441.
- Serrano-Ferrer J, Crendal E, Walther G, Vinet A, Dutheil F, Naughton G, Lesourd B, Chapier R, Courteix D & Obert P: Effects of lifestyle intervention on left ventricular regional myocardial function in metabolic syndrome patients from the RESOLVE randomized trial. Metabolism, 2016;65, 1350-60.
- Tavares Ó, Valente-Dos-Santos J, Duarte JP, Póvoas SC, Gobbo LA, Fernandes RA, Marinho DA, Casanova JM, Sherar LB, Courteix D & Coelho-E-Silva MJ: Concurrent agreement between an anthropometric model to predict thigh volume and dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry assessment in female volleyball players aged 14-18 years. BMC Pediatr, 2016;16, 190.
- Thivel D, Genin PM, Mathieu ME, Pereira B & Metz L: Reproducibility of an in-laboratory test meal to assess ad libitum energy intake in adolescents with obesity. Appetite, 2016;105, 129-33.
- Thivel D, Isacco L, O'Malley G & Duché P: Pediatric Obesity and Perceived Exertion: Difference Between Weight-Bearing and Non-Weight-Bearing Exercises Performed at Different Intensities. J Sports Sci, 2016;34, 389-94.
- Verney J, Metz L, Chaplais E, Cardenoux C, Pereira B & Thivel D: Bioelectrical impedance is an accurate method to assess body composition in obese but not severely obese adolescents. Nutr Res, 2016;36, 663-70.