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Publications 2017
- Boudet G, Walther G, Courteix D, Obert P, Lesourd B, Pereira B, Chapier R, Vinet A, Chamoux A, Naughton G, Poirier P, Dutheil F: Paradoxical dissociation between heart rate and heart rate variability following different modalities of exercise in individuals with metabolic syndrome: The RESOLVE study. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2017;24:281-296.
- Fearnbach SN, Masterson TD, Schlechter HA, Loken E, Downs DS, Thivel D, Keller KL: Perceived Exertion during Exercise Is Associated with Children's Energy Intake. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2017;49:785-792.
- Lin MJ, Nosaka K, Ho CC, Chen HL, Tseng KW, Ratel S, Chen TC: Influence of Maturation Status on Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage and the Repeated Bout Effect in Females. Front Physiol 2017;8:1118.
- Ratel S, Blazevich AJ: Are Prepubertal Children Metabolically Comparable to Well-Trained Adult Endurance Athletes? Sports Med 2017;47:1477-1485.
- Schwartz C, King NA, Perreira B, Blundell JE, Thivel D: A systematic review and meta-analysis of energy and macronutrient intake responses to physical activity interventions in children and adolescents with obesity. Pediatr Obes 2017;12:179-194.
- Aucouturier J, Ganière C, Aubert S, Riviere F, Praznoczy C, Vuillemin A, Tremblay MS, Duclos M, Thivel D: Results From the First French Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents. J Phys Act Health 2017;14:660-663.
- Borji R, Zghal F, Zarrouk N, Martin V, Sahli S, Rebai H: Neuromuscular fatigue and recovery profiles in individuals with intellectual disability. J Sport Health Sci 2017;in press
- Chavanelle V, Boisseau N, Otero YF, Combaret L, Dardevet D, Montaurier C, Delcros G, Peltier SL, Sirvent P: Effects of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training on glycaemic control and skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in db/db mice. Sci Rep 2017;7:204.
- Ennequin G, Capel F, Caillaud K, Chavanelle V, Etienne M, Teixeira A, Li X, Boisseau N, Sirvent P: Neuregulin 1 improves complex 2-mediated mitochondrial respiration in skeletal muscle of healthy and diabetic mice. Sci Rep 2017;7:1742.
- Fearnbach SN, Silvert L, Pereira B, Boirie Y, Duclos M, Keller KL, Thivel D: Reduced neural responses to food cues might contribute to the anorexigenic effect of acute exercise observed in obese but not lean adolescents. Nutr Res 2017;44:76-84.
- Genin PM, Degoutte F, Finaud J, Pereira B, Thivel D, Duclos M: Effect of a 5-Month Worksite Physical Activity Program on Tertiary Employees Overall Health and Fitness. J Occup Environ Med 2017;59:e3-e10.
- Giroux C, Maciejewski H, Ben-Abdessamie A, Chorin F, Lardy J, Ratel S, Rahmani A: Relationship between Force-Velocity Profiles and 1,500-m Ergometer Performance in Young Rowers. Int J Sports Med 2017;38:992-1000.
- Isacco L, Roche J, Quinart S, Thivel D, Gillet V, Nègre V, Mougin F: Cardiometabolic risk is associated with the severity of sleep-disordered breathing in children with obesity. Physiol Behav 2017;170:62-67.
- Julian V, Blondel R, Pereira B, Thivel D, Boirie Y, Duclos M: Body Composition Is Altered in Pre-Diabetic Patients With Impaired Fasting Glucose Tolerance: Results From the NHANES Survey. J Clin Med Res 2017;9:917-925.
- Lanhers C, Walther G, Chapier R, Lesourd B, Naughton G, Pereira B, Duclos M, Vinet A, Obert P, Courteix D, Dutheil F: Long-term cost reduction of routine medications following a residential programme combining physical activity and nutrition in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open 2017;7:e013763.
- Naughton G, Greene D, Courteix D, Baxter-Jones A: Resilient, Responsive, and Healthy Developing Bones: The Good News About Exercise and Bone in Children and Youth. Pediatr Exerc Sci 2017;29:437-439.
- O'Malley G, Ring-Dimitriou S, Nowicka P, Vania A, Frelut ML, Farpour-Lambert N, Weghuber D, Thivel D: Physical Activity and Physical Fitness in Pediatric Obesity: What are the First Steps for Clinicians? Expert Conclusion from the 2016 ECOG Workshop. Int J Exerc Sci 2017;10:487-496.
- Ratel S, Blazevich AJ: Authors' Reply to Dotan and Falk: "Are Prepubertal Children Metabolically Comparable to Well-Trained Adult Endurance Athletes?". Sports Med 2017;47:1907-1909.
- Tavares Ó, Valente-Dos-Santos J, Duarte JP, Póvoas SC, Gobbo LA, Fernandes RA, Marinho DA, Casanova JM, Sherar LB, Courteix D, Coelho-E-Silva MJ: Erratum to: Concurrent agreement between an anthropometric model to predict thigh volume and dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry assessment in female volleyball players aged 14-18 years. BMC Pediatr 2017;17:62.
- Thivel D, Doucet E, Julian V, Cardenoux C, Boirie Y, Duclos M: Nutritional compensation to exercise- vs. diet-induced acute energy deficit in adolescents with obesity. Physiol Behav 2017;176:159-164.
- Thivel D, O'Malley G, Blourdier D, Tremeaux M, Zanchet C, Pereira B, Ratel S: Reproducibility of the intermittent Spartacus Run Test in obese adolescents. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2017;57:1083-1088.
- Tournadre A, Pereira B, Dutheil F, Giraud C, Courteix D, Sapin V, Frayssac T, Mathieu S, Malochet-Guinamand S, Soubrier M: Changes in body composition and metabolic profile during interleukin 6 inhibition in rheumatoid arthritis. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle 2017;8:639-646.
- Verney J, Duclos M, Thivel D: Sprint Interval Training: What are the Clinical Implications and Precautions? Med Sci Sports Exerc 2017;49:2361-2362.
- Verney J, Martin V, Ratel S, Chavanelle V, Bargetto M, Etienne M, Chaplais E, Le Ruyet P, Bonhomme C, Combaret L, Guillet C, Boisseau N, Sirvent P, Dardevet D: Soluble Milk Proteins Improve Muscle Mass Recovery after Immobilization-Induced Muscle Atrophy in Old Rats but Do not Improve Muscle Functional Property Restoration. J Nutr Health Aging 2017;21:1133-1141.
- O'Malley G, Ring-Dimitriou S, Nowicka P, Vania A, Frelut ML, Farpour-Lambert N, Weghuber D & Thivel D: Physical Activity and Physical Fitness in Pediatric Obesity: What are the First Steps for Clinicians? Expert Conclusion from the 2016 ECOG Workshop. Int J Exerc Sci, 2017;10, 487-496.
- Ratel S & Blazevich AJ: Are Prepubertal Children Metabolically Comparable to Well-Trained Adult Endurance Athletes? Sports Med, 2017;47, 1477-1485.
- Schwartz C, King NA, Perreira B, Blundell JE & Thivel D: A systematic review and meta-analysis of energy and macronutrient intake responses to physical activity interventions in children and adolescents with obesity. Pediatr Obes, 2017;12, 179-194.
- Boudet G, Walther G, Courteix D, Obert P, Lesourd B, Pereira B, Chapier R, Vinet A, Chamoux A, Naughton G, Poirier P & Dutheil F: Paradoxical dissociation between heart rate and heart rate variability following different modalities of exercise in individuals with metabolic syndrome: The RESOLVE study. Eur J Prev Cardiol, 2017;24, 281-296.
- Fearnbach SN, Masterson TD, Schlechter HA, Loken E, Downs DS, Thivel D & Keller KL: Perceived Exertion during Exercise Is Associated with Children's Energy Intake. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2017;49, 785-792.
- Fearnbach SN, Silvert L, Pereira B, Boirie Y, Duclos M, Keller KL & Thivel D: Reduced neural responses to food cues might contribute to the anorexigenic effect of acute exercise observed in obese but not lean adolescents. Nutr Res, 2017;44, 76-84.
- Isacco L, Roche J, Quinart S, Thivel D, Gillet V, Nègre V & Mougin F: Cardiometabolic risk is associated with the severity of sleep-disordered breathing in children with obesity. Physiol Behav, 2017;170, 62-67.
- Julian V, Blondel R, Pereira B, Thivel D, Boirie Y & Duclos M: Body Composition Is Altered in Pre-Diabetic Patients With Impaired Fasting Glucose Tolerance: Results From the NHANES Survey. J Clin Med Res, 2017;9, 917-925.
- Lanhers C, Walther G, Chapier R, Lesourd B, Naughton G, Pereira B, Duclos M, Vinet A, Obert P, Courteix D & Dutheil F: Long-term cost reduction of routine medications following a residential programme combining physical activity and nutrition in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 2017;7, e013763.
- Naughton G, Greene D, Courteix D & Baxter-Jones A: Resilient, Responsive, and Healthy Developing Bones: The Good News About Exercise and Bone in Children and Youth. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 2017;29, 437-439.
- Thivel D, Doucet E, Julian V, Cardenoux C, Boirie Y & Duclos M: Nutritional compensation to exercise- vs. diet-induced acute energy deficit in adolescents with obesity. Physiol Behav, 2017;176, 159-164.
- Tournadre A, Pereira B, Dutheil F, Giraud C, Courteix D, Sapin V, Frayssac T, Mathieu S, Malochet-Guinamand S & Soubrier M: Changes in body composition and metabolic profile during interleukin 6 inhibition in rheumatoid arthritis. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle, 2017;8, 639-646.