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Publications 2019
- Bontemps B, Piponnier E, Chalchat E, Blazevitch AJ, Julian V, Bocock O, Duclos M, Martin V, Ratel S: Children exhibit a more comparable neuromuscular fatigue profile to endurance athletes than untrained adults. Frontiers Physiol 2019;10:119.
- Julian V, Thivel D, Miguet M, Pereira B, Costes F, Coudeyre E, Duclos M, Richard R: Eccentric cycling is more efficient in reducing fat mass than concentric cycling in adolescents with obesity. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2019;29:4-15.
- Piponnier E, Martin V, Chalchat E, Bontemps B, Julian V, Bocock O, Duclos M, and Ratel S. Effect of MTU Length on Child–Adult Difference in Neuromuscular Fatigue. Med Sci Sports Exerc In press: 2019.
- Thivel D, Finlayson G, Blundell JE: Homeostatic and neurocognitive control of energy intake in response to exercise in pediatric obesity: a psychobiological framework. Obes Rev 2019;20:316-324.
- Thivel D, Roche J, Chaput JP: Should metabolically healthy obesity be defined as the total absence of metabolic risk factors? Obes Rev 2019;20:364-365.
- Bourdier P, Saidi O, Rochette E, Ratel S, Merlin E, Pereira B, Duché P: Physical activity and sedentary levels in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatr Res 2019
- Chalchat E, Piponnier E, Bontemps B, Julian V, Bocock O, Duclos M, Ratel S, Martin V: Characteristics of motor unit recruitment in boys and men at maximal and submaximal force levels. Exp Brain Res 2019
- Ennequin G, Sirvent P, Whitham M: Role of exercise-induced hepatokines in metabolic disorders. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2019
- Genin P, Beaujouan J, Thivel D, Duclos M: Is workplace an appropriate setting for the promotion of physical activity? A new framework for worksite interventions among employees. Work 2019
- Maillard F, Vazeille E, Sauvanet P, Sirvent P, Bonnet R, Combaret L, Chausse P, Chevarin C, Otero YF, Delcros G, Chavanelle V, Boisseau N, Barnich N: Preventive Effect of Spontaneous Physical Activity on the Gut-Adipose Tissue in a Mouse Model That Mimics Crohn's Disease Susceptibility. Cells 2019;8
- Maillard F, Vazeille E, Sauvanet P, Sirvent P, Combaret L, Sourdrille A, Chavanelle V, Bonnet R, Otero YF, Delcros G, Barnich N, Boisseau N: High intensity interval training promotes total and visceral fat mass loss in obese Zucker rats without modulating gut microbiota. PLoS One 2019;14:e0214660.
- Miguet M, Masurier J, Chaput JP, Pereira B, Lambert C, Dâmaso AR, Courteix D, Duclos M, Boirie Y, Thivel D: Cognitive restriction accentuates the increased energy intake response to a 10-month multidisciplinary weight loss program in adolescents with obesity. Appetite 2019;134:125-134.
- Ratel S, Doré E, Duché P: Measuring levels of muscle fatigue in spastic cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol 2019;61:118-119.
- Thivel D, Masurier J, Baquet G, Timmons BW, Pereira B, Berthoin S, Duclos M, Aucouturier J: High-intensity interval training in overweight and obese children and adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2019;59:310-324.
- Thivel D, Tremblay MS, Katzmarzyk PT, Fogelholm M, Hu G, Maher C, Maia J, Olds T, Sarmiento OL, Standage M, Tudor-Locke C, Chaput JP, Group IR: Associations between meeting combinations of 24-hour movement recommendations and dietary patterns of children: A 12-country study. Prev Med 2019;118:159-165.
- Weghuber D, Boyland E, Caroli M, Erhardt E, Frelut ML, Forslund A, Mazur A, Ring-Dimitriou S, Vlachopapadopoulou Ε, Thivel D: Childhood Obesity: The Need to Translate Research into Daily Practice: Announcing the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism as the Official Journal of the European Childhood Obesity Group. Ann Nutr Metab 2019;74:80-82.
- Thivel D, Finlayson G & Blundell JE: Homeostatic and neurocognitive control of energy intake in response to exercise in pediatric obesity: a psychobiological framework. Obes Rev, 2019;20, 316-324.
- Thivel D, Masurier J, Baquet G, Timmons BW, Pereira B, Berthoin S, Duclos M & Aucouturier J: High-intensity interval training in overweight and obese children and adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2019;59, 310-324.
- Steff M, Verney J, Marinau M, Perte S, Pereira B, Bryant E, Drapeau V, Chaput JP, Courteix D & Thivel D: Toward a Romanian version of the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire-R21 for children and adolescents (CTFEQ-R21): Preliminary psychometric analysis and relation with body composition. Dev Period Med, 2019;23, 45-53.
- Bourdier P, Saidi O, Rochette E, Ratel S, Merlin E, Pereira B & Duché P: Physical activity and sedentary levels in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatr Res, 2019.
- Julian V, Thivel D, Miguet M, Pereira B, Costes F, Coudeyre E, Duclos M & Richard R: Eccentric cycling is more efficient in reducing fat mass than concentric cycling in adolescents with obesity. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2019;29, 4-15.
- Miguet M, Masurier J, Chaput JP, Pereira B, Lambert C, Dâmaso AR, Courteix D, Duclos M, Boirie Y & Thivel D: Cognitive restriction accentuates the increased energy intake response to a 10-month multidisciplinary weight loss program in adolescents with obesity. Appetite, 2019;134, 125-134.