
Maître de Conférences Habilitée à Diriger des Recherches (MCU-HDR)


Laboratoire AME2P
3 rue de la Chebarde
Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux
63170 Aubière CEDEX

Programme de recherche

Programme A: Identification des adaptations physiologiques et énergétiques aux déficits énergétiques.  


2020 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) – Université Clermont Auvergne
2005: Doctorat en Physiologie. Laboratoire de Physiologie du muscle et des maladies chroniques (Pr J. Mercier) Université de Montpellier.
2002: DEA en physiologie de l’exercice. Université de Montpellier
1999: Licence STAPS en Activités Physiques Adaptées et Santé. Université Marc Bloch- Strasbourg

Thématique de recherche

Adaptations aigues de la balance énergétique (dépense énergétique, apports énergétiques) suite à différentes modalités d'exercice
Rôle du statut hormonal chez la femme dans les adaptations aigues de la balance énergétique suite à différentes modalités d'exercice 
Rôle du statut hormonal dans les adaptations chroniques de la balance énergétique et du capital musculo squelettique suite à différentes stratégies de déficit énergétique

Mots clés

surcharge pondérale, oestrogènes, dépense énergétique, prise énergétique, muscle, os


Depuis janvier 2021 - Directrice adjointe du laboratoire AME2P
Depuis septembre 2013 - Responsable de l'animation scientifique du laboratoire AME2P
Depuis 2010- Membre du comité de vulgarisation scientifique de l’UCA “La Minute Recherche” 
Depuis 2013- Responsable pédagogique du DEUST Activités Aquatiques pour le bien-être et la santé- UFR-STAPS Clermont - Ferrand
Depuis 2014- Membre du Conseil d'Administration de l'UFR-STAPS


Publications 2023

  1. Chambonnière C, Metz L, Fillon A, Demonteix P, Fearnbach N, Bailly M, Boscaro A, Pereira B, Thivel D, Duclos M. The Effects of Using a Cycling Desk at School on Executive Function, Physical Fitness, and Body Composition in Primary School Children: Impact of Socioeconomic Status. Pediatr Exerc Sci 2023 Dec 21:1-9.
  2. Miguet M, Pereira B, Beaulieu K, Finlayson G, Matłosz P, Cardenoux C, Boirie Y, Duclos M, Thivel D, Metz L.  Effects of aquatic exercise on appetitive responses in adolescents with obesity: An exploratory study. Appetite. 2023 Mar 17;185:106540.

Publications 2022

  1. Bailly, M., A. Boscaro, T. Thomas, L. Féasson, F. Costes, B. Pereira, J. Hager, B. Estour, B. Galusca, L. Metz, D. Courteix, D. Thivel, J. Verney and N. Germain (2022). "New Insights on Bone Tissue and Structural Muscle-Bone Unit in Constitutional Thinness." Front Physiol 13: 921351.
  2. Guirado, T., L. Metz, B. Pereira, C. Brun, A. Birat, A. Boscaro, A. Bergouignan, D. Thivel and M. Duclos (2022). "A 12-Week Cycling Workstation Intervention Improves Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Healthy Inactive Office Workers." J Occup Environ Med 64(8): e467-e474.
  3. Guirado, T., P. Bourdier, B. Pereira, E. Le Roux, A. Bergouignan, A. Birat, L. Isacco, D. Thivel, M. Duclos and L. Metz (2022). "Metabolic profile in women differs between high versus low energy spenders during a low intensity exercise on a cycle-desk." Sci Rep 12(1): 9928.
  4. Julian, V., D. Costa, G. O'Malley, L. Metz, A. Fillon, M. Miguet, C. Cardenoux, F. Dutheil, Y. Boirie, M. Duclos, D. Courteix, B. Pereira and D. Thivel (2022). "Bone Response to High-Intensity Interval Training versus Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training in Adolescents with Obesity." Obes Facts 15(1): 46-54.
  5. Metz, L., L. Isacco and L. M. Redman (2022). "Effect of oral contraceptives on energy balance in women: A review of current knowledge and potential cellular mechanisms." Metabolism 126: 154919.
  6. Metz, L., T. Guirado, K. Beaulieu, B. Pereira, C. Brun, F. Coutarel, M. Duclos and D. Thivel (2023). "Cognitive work on a walking desk does not lead to compensatory appetitive responses in healthy young adults." Physiol Behav 258: 114008.

Publications 2021

  1. Guirado, T., C. Chambonnière, J. P. Chaput, L. Metz, D. Thivel and M. Duclos (2021). "Effects of Classroom Active Desks on Children and Adolescents' Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, Academic Achievements and Overall Health: A Systematic Review." Int J Environ Res Public Health 18(6).
  2. Guirado, T., L. Metz, B. Pereira, A. Bergouignan, D. Thivel and M. Duclos (2021). "Effects of cycling workstation to get tertiary employee moving on their overall health: study protocol for a REMOVE trial." Trials 22(1): 359.
  3. Julian, V., D. Costa, G. O'Malley, L. Metz, A. Fillon, M. Miguet, C. Cardenoux, F. Dutheil, Y. Boirie, M. Duclos, D. Courteix, B. Pereira and D. Thivel (2021). "Bone Response to High-Intensity Interval Training versus Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training in Adolescents with Obesity." Obes Facts: 1-9.
  4. Julian, V., G. O'Malley, L. Metz, D. Weghuber, D. Courteix, A. Fillon, Y. Boirie, M. Duclos, B. Pereira and D. Thivel (2021). "Does the severity of obesity influence bone density, geometry and strength in adolescents?" Pediatr Obes 16(12): e12826.
  5. Metz, L., L. Isacco and L. M. Redman (2022). "Effect of oral contraceptives on energy balance in women: A review of current knowledge and potential cellular mechanisms." Metabolism 126: 154919.
  6. Metz, L., L. Isacco, K. Beaulieu, S. N. Fearnbach, B. Pereira, D. Thivel and M. Duclos (2021). "Cold-Water Effects on Energy Balance in Healthy Women During Aqua-Cycling." Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 31(3): 236-243.
  7. Metz, L., L. Isacco, M. Miguet, P. Genin, D. Thivel and M. Duclos (2021). "Comparing the Effects of Immersed Versus Land-Based High-Intensity Interval Cycling on Energy Intake, Appetite Sensations and Perceived Exertion Among Healthy Men." Percept Mot Skills 128(4): 1569-1585.
  8. Metz, L., L. Isacco, N. Fearnbach, B. Pereira, D. Thivel and M. Duclos (2021). "Energy Intake and Appetite Sensations Responses to Aquatic Cycling in Healthy Women: The WatHealth Study." Nutrients 13(4).
  9. Thivel, D., L. Metz, V. Julian, L. Isacco, J. Verney, G. Ennequin, K. Charlot, K. Beaulieu, G. Finlayson and J. A. King (2021). "Diet- but not exercise-induced iso-energetic deficit induces compensatory appetitive responses." Eur J Clin Nutr 75(10): 1425-1432.
  10. Thivel, D., P. Genin, A. Fillon, M. Khammassi, J. Roche, K. Beaulieu, G. Finlayson, J. P. Chaput, M. Duclos, A. Tremblay, B. Pereira and L. Metz (2021). "Effect of Acute Exercise and Cycling Desk on Energy Intake and Appetite Response to Mental Work: The CORTEX Study." J Phys Act Health 18(4): 433-439.

Publications 2020

  1. Miguet, M., N. S. Fearnbach, L. Metz, M. Khammassi, V. Julian, C. Cardenoux, B. Pereira, Y. Boirie, M. Duclos and D. Thivel (2020). "Effect of HIIT versus MICT on body composition and energy intake in dietary restrained and unrestrained adolescents with obesity." Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 45(4): 437-445.
  2. Thivel, D., A. Fillon, P. M. Genin, M. Miguet, M. Khammassi, B. Pereira, Y. Boirie, M. Duclos, V. Drapeau, J. E. Blundell, A. Tremblay, G. Finlayson, M. E. Mathieu and L. Metz (2020). "Satiety responsiveness but not food reward is modified in response to an acute bout of low versus high intensity exercise in healthy adults." Appetite 145: 104500.

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