
Professeur des Universités (PU)


Laboratoire AME2P
3 rue de la Chebarde
Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux
63170 Aubière CEDEX

Programme de recherche

Programme B. Pathologies métaboliques et mesures hygiéno-diététiques : adaptations physiologiques et fonctionnelles



Vincent Martin holds a faculty appointment as a (full) Professor of Exercise Physiology in the Faculty of Sports Science (Clermont Auvergne University, Clermont-Ferrand, France). He is also a junior fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (2018-2023). Dr. Martin has an MSc and PhD in Sports Science (Exercise Physiology specialization) from the University of Burgundy (Dijon, France). He has worked as a research assistant at the University of Aix-Marseille (France), as a post-doctoral researcher at the Neuromuscular Research Center of the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), as an assistant professor at the University of Evry Val d’Essonne (France), and as an associate professor at the Clermont Auvergne University.

Dr Vincent Martin has published 1 book, 11 book chapters and 58 papers in international journals with peer review. He has supervised 7 doctoral fellows and 53 Master students.

Detailed scientific production

Web Of Science ResearcherID: ABF-7135-2020

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6681-1610

IdHal: vmartin

Vincent Martin est Professeur des Universités en physiologie de l’exercice à l’UFR STAPS de Clermont-Ferrand (Université Clermont Auvergne), et membre de l’Institut Universitaire de France (promotion 2018). Il est diplômé de l’université de Bourgogne (DEA et doctorat en STAPS, spécialité physiologie de l’exercice), et a occupé des postes de chercheur et enseignant-chercheur dans les universités de Jyväskylä (Finlande) et Evry.Vincent Martin est l’auteur d’un livre, de 11 chapitres d’ouvrage et de 58 publications internationales. Il a encadré 7 thèses de doctorat et 53 étudiants de master.

Détails de la production scientifique

Web Of Science ResearcherID: ABF-7135-2020

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6681-1610

IdHal: vmartin

Thématique de recherche

His research activity is in the area of neuromuscular physiology and currently focuses on the effect of metabolic diseases on the neuromuscular function in the context of exercise. The etiology of neuromuscular fatigue and the determinants of strength production are his main interests.
 Son programme de recherche s’intéresse à la plasticité de la fonction neuromusculaire à l’exercice, et notamment aux processus de fatigue et de récupération. Actuellement, il travaille dans le champ des pathologies métaboliques, avec un intérêt pour la capacité de production de force et la fatigue neuromusculaire.

Mots clés

Neuromuscular function, fatigue, recovery, strength, electrophysiology, obesity, endurance.
Fonction neuromusculaire, fatigue, récupération, force, électrophysiologie, obésité, endurance.


Il a été directeur du laboratoire AME2P, directeur-adjoint de l’UFR STAPS de Clermont-Ferrand, et membre élu du CNU 74ème section. Il est actuellement membre élu du conseil d’administration de l’ACAPS. 

He has been the director of the AME2P lab at the Faculty of Sports Science of Clermont-Ferrand and vice-dean of the Faculty of Sports Science of Clermont-Ferrand. He’s currently an elected board member of the ACAPS society. 


Publications 2023

Balayssac D, Durif J, Lambert C, Dalbos C, Chapuy E, Etienne M, Demiot C, Busserolles J, Martin V, Sapin V. (2023). « Exploring Serum Biomarkers for Neuropathic Pain in Rat Models of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Comparative Pilot Study with Oxaliplatin, Paclitaxel, Bortezomib, and Vincristine ». Toxics, 11, 1004. IF : 4.6

Chalchat E, Siracusa J, Penailillo L, Malgoyre A, Bourrilhon C, Charlot K, Martin V*, Garcia-Vicencio S.* (2023) Neuromuscular and metabolic responses during repeated bouts of loaded downhill walking. Med Sci Sports Exerc, in press. IF : 6.289

Couvert A, Goumy L, Maillard F, Esbrat A, Lanchais K, Saugrain C, Verdier C, Doré E, Chevarin C, Adjtoutah D, Morel C, Pereira B, Martin V, Lancha Junior AH, Barnich N, Chassaing B, Rance M, Boisseau N. (2023) « Effects of a cycling vs. running HIIT program on fat mass loss and gut microbiota composition in men with overweight/obesity. Med Sci Sports Exerc, in press. IF : 6.289.

Garcia-Vicencio S, Martin V, Chalchat E, Penailillo L, Kluka V, Fourot A-V, Coudeyre E, Ratel S. (2023) « Sex-related neuromuscular adaptations to youth obesity: force, muscle mass and neural issues ». Adv Exp Med Biol - Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, in press, IF : 3.65

Garcia-Vicencio S, Ratel S, Chalchat E, Penailillo L, Kluka V, Fourot A-V, Coudeyre E, Martin V. (2023) Combined endurance and strength or only endurance training? « Effects of training mode on neuromuscular characteristics and functional abilities in obese adolescent girls enrolled in a weight-reduction program ». Adv Exp Med Biol - Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, in press, IF : 3.65

Piponnier E, Ishikawa M, Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Jagot K, Boisseau N, Kurihara T, Martin V. (2023). « Quantification of extramyocellular lipids and intramuscular fat from muscle echo intensity in lower limb muscles: a comparison of four ultrasound devices against magnetic resonance spectroscopy ». Sensors., 2;23(11):5282. IF: 3.847.

Publications 2022

Aparecido, J., C. S. Frientes, G. L. Martins, G. C. Santos, J. D. Alves Silva, P. S. Rogeri, R. S. Pires, T. S. Amorim, T. da Silva, T. E. Santo, N. Boisseau, A. H. Lancha Jr. and M. L. Marquezi (2022). "Training Mode Compari-sons on Cardiorespiratory, Body Composition and Metabolic Profile Adaptations in Reproductive-Age Women: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis." Obesities.

Chalchat , E., J. Siracusa, C. Bourrilhon , K. Charlot, J.-L. Gennisson , S. Garcia-Vicencio and V. Martin (2022). "Contractile properties are less affected at long than short muscle length after eccentric exercise." Eur J Appl Physiol.

Chalchat, E., A. F. Gaston, K. Charlot, L. Peñailillo, O. Valdés, P. E. Tardo-Dino, K. Nosaka, V. Martin, S. Garcia-Vicencio and J. Siracusa (2022). "Appropriateness of indirect markers of muscle damage following lower limbs eccentric-biased exercises: A systematic review with meta-analysis." PLoS One 17(7): e0271233.

Chalchat, E., J. Siracusa, C. Bourrilhon, K. Charlot, V. Martin and S. Garcia-Vicencio (2022). "Muscle Shear Elastic Modulus Providesan Indication of the Protection Conferred by the Repeated Bout Effect." Front Physiol 13: 877485.

Chalchat, E., V. Martin, K. Charlot, C. Bourrilhon, S. Baugé, S. Bourdon, A. Gruel, B. Lepetit, S. Banzet, S. Garcia-Vicencio and J. Siracusa (2022). "Circulating microRNA levels after exercise-induced muscle damage and the repeated bout effect." Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol.

Dupuit, M., M. Rance, C. Morel, P. Bouillon, A. Boscaro, V. Martin, E. Vazeille, N. Barnich, B. Chassaing and N. Boisseau (2022). "Effect of Concurrent Training on Body Composition and Gut Microbiota in Postmenopausal Women with Overweight or Obesity." Med Sci Sports Exerc 54(3): 517-529

Garnier, Y. M., R. Lepers, P. Canepa, A. Martin and C. Paizis (2021). "Effect of the Knee and Hip Angles on Knee Extensor Torque: Neural, Architectural, and Mechanical Considerations." Front Physiol 12: 789867.

Igonin, P. H., I. Rogowski, N. Boisseau and C. Martin (2022). "Impact of the Menstrual Cycle Phases on the Movement Patterns of Sub-Elite Women Soccer Players during Competitive Matches." Int J Environ Res Public Health 19(8).

Le Bacquer, O., J. Salles, F. Piscitelli, P. Sanchez, V. Martin, C. Montaurier, V. Di Marzo and S. Walrand (2022). "Alterations of the endocannabinoid system and circulating and peripheral tissue levels of endocannabinoids in sarcopenic rats." J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle.

Plissonneau, C., A. Sivignon, B. Chassaing, F. Capel, V. Martin, M. Etienne, I. Wawrzyniak, P. Chausse, F. Dutheil, G. Mairesse, G. Chesneau, N. Boisseau and N. Barnich (2022). "Beneficial Effects of Linseed Supplementation on Gut Mucosa-Associated Microbiota in a Physically Active Mouse Model of Crohn's Disease." Int J Mol Sci 23(11).

Poggiogalle, E., F. Rossignon, A. Carayon, F. Capel, J. P. Rigaudière, S. De Saint Vincent, O. Le-Bacquer, J. Salles, C. Giraudet, V. Patrac, P. Lebecque, S. Walrand, Y. Boirie, V. Martin and C. Guillet (2021). "Deleterious Effect of High-Fat Diet on Skeletal Muscle Performance Is Prevented by High-Protein Intake in Adult Rats but Not in Old Rats." Front Physiol 12: 749049.

Souron, R., M. Carayol, V. Martin, E. Piponnier, P. Duché and M. Gruet (2022). "Differences in time to task failure and fatigability between children and young adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis." Front Physiol 13: 1026012.

Zubac, D., V. Ivančev, V. Martin, A. Dello Iacono, C. J. W. Meulenberg and A. C. McDonnell (2022). "Determination of exercise intensity domains during upright versus supine cycling: a methodological study." PeerJ 10: e13199.

Publications 2021

Besson, T., A. Parent, C. Brownstein, L. Espeit, T. Lapole, V. Martin, N. Royer, D. Rimaud, F. S. Pastor, B. Singh, G. Varesco, J. Rossi, J. Temesi and G. Millet (2021). "Sex Differences in Neuromuscular Fatigue and Changes in Cost of Running after Mountain Trail Races of Various Distances." Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.  IF: 5.411

Chalchat, E., K. Charlot, S. Garcia‐Vicencio, P. Hertert, S. Baugé, S. Bourdon, J. Bompard, C. Farges, V. Martin, C. Bourrilhon and J. Siracusa (2021). "Circulating microRNAs after a 24‐h ultramarathon run in relation to muscle damage markers in elite athletes." Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports.  IF: 4.221

Espeit, L., C. Brownstein, N. Royer, T. Besson,V. Martin, G. Millet and T. Lapole (2021). "Central fatigue aetiology in prolonged trail running races." Experimental Physiology. IF: 2.969

Le Bacquer, O., J. Salles, F. Piscitelli, P. Sanchez, V. Martin, C. Montaurier, V. Di Marzo and S. Walrand (2021). "Alterations of the endocannabinoid system and circulating and peripheral tissue levels of endocannabinoids in sarcopenic rats." Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. IF: 12.910

Piponnier, E., S. Ratel, E. Chalchat, B. Bontemps, O. Bocock, V. Julian, M. Duclos and V. Martin (2021). "M‐wave and H‐reflex recruitment curves in boys and men." International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. IF: 2.457

Temesi, J., T. Besson, A. Parent, B. Singh, V. Martin, C. Brownstein, L. Espeit, N. Royer, D. Rimaud, T. Lapole, L. Féasson and G. Millet (2021). "Effect of race distance on performance fatigability in male trail and ultra‐trail runners." Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. IF: 4.221

Publications 2020

Piponnier, E., S. Ratel, E. Chalchat, K. Jagot, B. Bontemps, V. Julian, O. Bocock, M. Duclos and V. Martin (2020). "Plantar flexor muscle-tendon unit length and stiffness do not influence neuromuscular fatigue in boys and men." European Journal of Applied Physiology. IF: 3.078

Publications précédentes