


Laboratoire AME2P
3 rue de la Chebarde
Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux
63170 Aubière CEDEX

Programme de recherche

Programme A: Identification des adaptations physiologiques et énergétiques aux déficits énergétiques


Licence APAS (UFR STAPS Clermont-Ferrand)

Master APAS (UFR STAPS Clermont-Ferrand)

Master Exercise and Health (Granada University, Spain)

Thématique de recherche

Titre de la thèse
Évaluation et Développement d’un programme multidisciplinaire, familial et à domicile, de prévention et prise en charge de l’obésité pédiatrique.
Encadrements: David Thivel (50%) et Yves Boirie (50%)

Mots clés

Obésité Pédiatrique ; métabolisme énergétique ; nutrition humaine, perte de poids


Publications 2024

Siroux J, Pereira B, Fillon A, Moore H, Dionnet C, Julian V, Finlayson GS, Duclos M, Boirie Y, Isacco L, Thivel D. Higher energy flux may improve short-term appetite control in adolescents with obesity: the NEXT study. Br J Nutr. 2024 Jan 28;131(2):359-368.

Thivel D, Ennequin G, Lambert C, Siroux J, Ratel S, Boscaro A, Pelissier L, Julian V, Cardenoux C, Duclos M, Lazzer S, Pereira B, Boirie Y, Isacco L. Improved walking energy efficiency might persist in presence of simulated full weight regain after multidisciplinary weight loss in adolescents with obesity: the POWELL study. Int J Obes (Lond). 2024 Mar;48(3):384-393.

Siroux J, Moore H, Isacco L, Couvert A, Pereira B, Julian V, Duclos M, Miyashita M, Finlayson G, Boirie Y, Thivel D. Acute exercise might not affect subsequent appetite responses to a fixed meal in adolescents with obesity: The SMASH exploratory study. Appetite. 2024 Nov 1;202:107644

Moore H, Siroux J, Sevilla-Lorente R, Prado WL, Damaso AR, Pereira B, Thivel D. The effects of acute exercise on food intake and appetite in adolescents with and without obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Rev. 2024 Dec;25(12):e13832.

Publications 2023

Moore H, Siroux J, Pereira B, Miguet M, Fillon A, Dionnet C, Julian V, Duclos M, Boirie Y, Finlayson G, Isacco L, Thivel D.The energy content of meals with a similar macronutrient distribution may have a greater impact on appetite sensations than food preferences in adolescents with obesity: A secondary analysis. Appetite. 2023 Dec 1;191:107063.

Fillon A, Pélissier L, Beaulieu K, Charlot K, Siroux J, Bagot S, Bailly M, Boscaro A, Finlayson G, Boirie Y, Duclos M, Isacco L, Pereira B, Julian V, Thivel D. Dietary- but not exercise-induced acute iso-energetic deficit result in short-term appetitive compensatory responses in adolescents with obesity. Appetite. 2023 Feb 1;181:106401.

Fillon A, Fearnbach N, Vieira S, Gélinier J, Bagot S, Bailly M, Boscaro A, Pélissier L, Siroux J, Grasteau V, Bertsch J, Pereira B, Duclos M, Lambert C, Thivel D.Changes in Sedentary Time and Implicit Preference for Sedentary Behaviors in Response to a One-Month Educational Intervention in Primary School Children: Results from the Globe Trotter Pilot Cluster-Randomized Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Jan 7;20(2):1089. 

Isacco L, Lambert C, Siroux J, Boscaro A, Cardenoux C, Julian V, Duclos M, Boirie Y, Pereira B, Ennequin G, Thivel D. Weight loss does not affect the sit-to-stand metabolic cost in adolescents with obesity. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2023 Nov;123(11):2511-2523.

Publications 2022

Pélissier L, Julian V, Beaulieu K, Siroux J, Boscaro A, Fillon A, Finlayson G, Duclos M, Boirie Y, Pereira B, Isacco L, Thivel D. Effect of acute dietary- versus combined dietary and exercise-induced energy deficits on subsequent energy intake, appetite and food reward in adolescents with obesity. Physiol Behav. 2022 Feb 1;244:113650.

Publications 2021

Chambonnière C, Fearnbach N, Pelissier L, Genin P, Fillon A, Boscaro A, Bonjean L, Bailly M, Siroux J, Guirado T, Pereira B, Thivel D, Duclos M. Adverse Collateral Effects of COVID-19 Public Health Restrictions on Physical Fitness and Cognitive Performance in Primary School Children. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Oct 22;18(21):11099.

Publications 2020

Publications précédentes